
When Things Go Terribly Right


missiowa2010Pitching phenom Stephen Strasburg looked to dazzle fans with his impeccable exploits from the pitching mound last Tuesday, July 27th.  Unfortunately for the fans of the Washington Nationals and those who were interested to see the young man pitch, the switch was on and out of the dugout for the top of the 1st came Miguel Batista who was then greeted by boos.

It was unfortunate for Mr. Batista to be greeted with boos from the hometown crowd – his performance did not deserve the insult. Despite the boos, Miguel gave the Nationals 5 scoreless innings in their 3-0 win over the Atlanta Braves.  But it’s not the pitching performance that creates this story for, it is the very clever remarks after the game and the consequences that caught our attention.

Following the game, Mr. Batista went in front of the microphone at the media meet afterwards and when asked to explain why the fans booed him, said “imagine if you go to see Miss Universe, then you end up having Miss Iowa, you might get those kind of boos too.” Then after realizing that he inadvertently insulted the reigning Miss Iowa, Katherine Connors (left), Mr. Batista sent flowers and an apology. Which was met with an invitation to judge the next Miss Iowa competition in Iowa.

Needless to say, Mr. Batista came out golden on nearly every aspect in this this past week.  Not only did he win the game for the Nationals, he pitched very well and minus the gaudy strikeouts expected from Strasburg, he then followed the game with an extremely witty comment, and classy recovery leading to an invitation to judge the next Miss Iowa. Nice work Mr. Batista.