
The Gap

This is a thing. It’s in BeyondETFs Pro. It shows how much more you’ve earned than if you had purchased shares of the Index (OEX = S&P 100 ETF). From the app:

At the moment of recorded purchase, an equivalent $ value of Index was also noted. Gap refers to the difference between what your actual proceeds are compared to what they might have been if you had purchased the Index. The Gap % is relative to the Index.

We think this is pretty cool. It reminds users of the goal of beating the Index every time they see the scorecard.

So, how big is your Gap?

Today, mine is 62.5% (it varies day by day). That means that my portfolio, using the Brockmann Method, is 62.5% HIGHER than if I had purchased the Index. I never got that kind of report or result from my professional financial advisor.

No other financial app gives such a prominent analysis and presentation as to what their user might have earned if only they had done some other investment. This way, you know today’s changes, the instant proceeds, and the Gap on the same screen.