
Enterprise 2.0 Conference on Collaboration

I'm here in beautiful downtown Boston today to participate as an analyst in the Enterprise 2.0 conference going on June 9-11, 2008.

The venue is intimate and upscale. The logistics are Techweb – the people who do Interop and Voicecon and a bunch of other events and properties. As I enjoyed the commuter train this morning, I thought about the segmentation challenges and opportunities in the use of blogging and wikis and social networking.

Sure, I see the power of it every day in my business – a highly intellectual property-based operation. I use the blog and wiki functions every single day, and sometimes many times, to build a community or at least share my thoughts and insights with visitors and registered users. Many of the cases discussed and presented in the literature showcase how the intelligence, pharmaceutical and how the conglomerate software business uses these technologies to improve productivity, reduce organizational information-friction and create collaboration-based innovation. So this technology lends well to IPR-based operations well.

But, how does it work for the multi-unit business? Something that the Harvard Business Review wrote about this month. 

Rob Carter, the CIO of Fedex will be speaking today. I'll check up his arguments and applications. I suspect, he'll describe how these technologies are used in IT. I'm hoping to see how it's used in the operation of the logistics and transportation company.